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R&P: Conference/Workshop/Symposia/Seminar with Presentations

Asante, IK., Kassah, JE, Ocran, JK., Ansah, R., Akoto, P., Mensah, J. Amoh, EK. Commey, FK. (26th – 27th September 2024). Beyond the Catch; Exploring the effects of work-related injuries on artisanal fishers and the emerging blue economy: A scoping survey [Paper presentation]. The 11th International Conference on Fisheries and Aquaculture, Thailand “Navigating Towards Carbon-Neutral Fisheries: Sustaining the Blue Economy in a Green Future", Bangkok

Acheampong, S. O. and Aremu, D. (January 17th - 19th, 2024). On the sluicing-COMP Generalisation in Mabia and Kwa [Paper presentation]. 32nd Conference of the Student Organisation of Linguistics in Europe (ConSOLE31), Queen Mary University of London

Benewaa, B. & Aidoo, G.A. (2024, October 15-17). Determinants of Voter Participation and Voting Behaviour of Ghanaian University Students in National Elections [Paper presentation]. (S.D. Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies Research and Development Conference, 2024) Nine Years Down the Road to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: What is on Display from African Businesses and Other Stakeholders, Wa, Upper West

Tweneboah, S. (19-21 May, 2024). Pentecostal Moral Leadership, Human Rights and the Legal Regulation of LGBTQI+ Activities in Ghana [Paper presentation]. African Consortium for Law and Religion Studies Conference, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Blom, Jenny, Egner, Lars Even, Enoch, F. Sam, Nævestad, Tor-Olav, & Fiangor, Anthony. (17-18 October 2024). Fatigue among bus drivers in Ghana and Norway: Examining the influence of working conditions and national road safety culture [Paper presentation]. Inclusive and interdisciplinary road safety research, The Hague

Tor-Olav Nævestad, Enoch F. Sam, Haneen Farah, Daniel Mwamba, Jaqueline Masaki, Laxman Sing Bisht, Thomas Osman Myioba, Aliaksei Laureshyn, Matilda Magnusson, Rune Elvik, Jenny Blom. (17-18 October 2024). Systematic comparison of Safe Systems implementation in three African and three European countries: Analysis of influencing factors and recommendations [Paper presentation]. Inclusive and interdisciplinary road safety research, The Hague

Tor-Olav Nævestad, Enoch F. Sam, Jaqueline Masaki, Daniel Mwamba, Filbert Francis, Thomas Osman Miyoba , Sonja Forward, Anthony Fiangor, Jenny Blom, Ingeborg Hesjevoll, Vibeke Milch, Haneen Farah, Laxman Singh Bisht, Kofi Adanu. (17-18 October 2024). Comparing national road safety culture in three African and three European countries [Paper presentation]. Inclusive and interdisciplinary road safety research, The Hague

Aliaksei Laureshyn, Haneen Farah, Jaqueline Masaki, Enoch F. Sam, Ronald Fisa, Filbert Francis, Marjan Hagenzieker, Laxman Singh Bisht, Carmelo D’Agostino, Andras Varhelyi, Torkel Bjørnskau, Aslak Fyhri, Tor-Olav Nævestad, Sonja Forward, Joh. (17-18 October 2024). Re-thinking how we teach traffic safety: Safe System curriculum [Paper presentation]. Inclusive and interdisciplinary road safety research, The Hague

Asante, I. K., Kassah, J. E., Ocran, J. K., Ansah, R., Akoto, P., Mensah, J., Amoh, E. K. & Commey, F. K. (2024, September 26-27). Beyond the Catch; Exploring the Effects of Work-Related Injuries on Fisheries and the Blue Economy: A Scoping Survey [Paper presentation]. 11th International Conference on Fisheries and Aquaculture 2024, Bangkok

Bosomtwe, E., Asiamah, S.K., Gadzo, S., Forson, J.A., Adegbedzi, K.D., Obuadey, M.T.,. (2024, May 15-17). Financial inclusion and poverty Rate: Does financial innovation play a moderating role among West African Countries? [Paper presentation]. The 6th International Research Conference, College of Humanities, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Greater Accra

Bedu-Addo, P.K.A. & Andoh Robertson, T. (29th -30th May, 2024). Influence of psychological distress on miners’ productivity and psychological well-being: A study of underground and surface gold miners in Ghana [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Positive Schools and Wellbeing Congress, “Lifelong Learning and Wellbeing in a Digitalized World, Casambra

Antwi, T. (12th March 2024). Counselling Skills and Techniques [Paper presentation]. Training of Academic Counsellors, Ajumako Campus Assembly Hall, University of Education, Winneba

Annobil, C. N. (2024, April 8 - 12). ‘Your Department, Digitalization and Skills in Education [Paper presentation]. International Week Celebration and Conference on Digital Tools and Skills in Education -Theme: Introduction to Digital Lives – Balancing Potentials and Challenges, University College of Copenhagen, Copenhagen

(2024, March 26 - 27). [Paper presentation]. 7th Biennial Social Science Conference - Theme: Bringing the Gown to Town: Governance, Society and Post Pandemic Adjustment, Jophus Anamuah Conference Centre, North Campus, UEW, Winneba, Central Region


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