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Information and Communication Technology use and ICT Competency in Education: The Case of Sandwich Students

Prof. Apawu, Jones
Associate Professor

Agbemaka, J. B., Apawu, J., & Akayuure, P.
Publication Year
Article Title
Information and Communication Technology use and ICT Competency in Education: The Case of Sandwich Students
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research
Issue Number
Page Numbers

Information and Communication Technologies are becoming pervasive especially in higher education all over the world. This study investigated undergraduate and postgraduate sandwich students' on and off campus usage of some ICTs at the University of Education, Winneba, Ghana during the June - August 2013/2014 academic session and how they use the identified ICTs. The study also investigated the aspects of ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT-CFT) in relation to the sandwich students. The study utilized the descriptive survey ex post facto design. The targeted population was all the sandwich students for the June of 2013/2014 academic session at the University of Education, Winneba. Sandwich students are students who come for instructions after the regular students are on recess. Accidental sampling technique was used to select 390 undergraduate and postgraduate sandwich students of University of Education, Winneba. Researcher questionnaire was the instrument used to collect data. The study found that sandwich students use various Information and Communication Technologies (Mobile Phone, USB flash drive, Internet Cafés, laptop computers, television, radio and tablet) both on and off campus. The study also found that the sandwich students use the identified ICTs in various ways and they are skilled in Basic Knowledge and Basic Tools aspects of the technology literacy phase of ICT-CFT. Sandwich students of UEW could be supported so that after graduation, they could use ICTs in education since they have some basic ideas about ICTs.

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