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UEW Holds Matriculation for 2020/2021 Fresh Students of CoDeL

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Published: Thu, 08/12/2021 - 11:01

Management of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW), held virtual matriculation for the 2020/2021 fresh students of the College of Distance and e-Learning (CoDeL) at the Jophus Anamuah-Mensah Conference Centre, North Campus, UEW.  

The ceremony, held by virtual mode as a result of the menacing COVID-19 pandemic, allowed the matriculants to pledge their allegiance to the authority of the University through the administration of the Matriculation Oath, signalling their formal induction into the University. 

The University admitted a total of 10,515 applicants at the close of applications for the 2020/2021 academic year. Out of this number, 4,656 applicants representing 44.28% are males while the remaining 5,859 applicants representing 55.72% are females. 1,879 students representing 17.87% were admitted into Diploma programmes, 7,667 applicants representing 72.91% were admitted for Degree programmes and 969 students representing 9.22% are pursuing Postgraduate studies. 

Some matriculants at the Jophus Anamuah-Mensah Conference Centre during the ceremony
Some matriculants at the Jophus Anamuah-Mensah Conference Centre during the ceremony

The Vice-Chancellor, Rev. Fr. Prof. Anthony Afful-Broni, in his address to the matriculants, said “your choice to study at UEW is a clear indicator of your trust in the quality of teaching and learning being offered here. Thank you for your confidence in the quality of our educational delivery process. Indeed, it is the substance of what we have been able to prove over the years”.  

He added that “we promise to deliver to you our brand of comprehensiveness in the training of our products to become a source of enlightenment to people of our contemporary and future society inspired by our outstanding community of faculty and staff, superb facilities and a serene atmosphere for a lifetime university experience”. 

Vice-Chancellor, UEW, entreating matriculants to make use of their time and develop themselves to impact their lives and those of society in positive ways
Vice-Chancellor, UEW, entreating matriculants to make use of their time and develop themselves to impact their lives and those of society in positive ways

Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni hinted that to consolidate the role of UEW as the leading distance education institution in Ghana, Management had, according to the University’s mission, given a lot of support to CoDeL to help it align with the Government’s vision on the delivery of quality education to the masses.  

“In line with our strategic objective of enhancing the capacity of CoDeL staff in Distance and e-Learning delivery, CoDeL has received unprecedented support from the Management of the University to engage in sustained professional development to refresh and upgrade the knowledge and competencies of staff, as well as keep them abreast of current trends in Distance Education and e-Learning.   

Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni (middle) with the Registrar (left) and Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University
Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni (middle) with the Registrar (left) and Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University

“By its special nature, Distance Education and e-Learning thrive on continuous professional development. For almost every month of this year, for instance, CoDeL has organised workshops to address critical aspects of its operations for relevant participants,” the Vice-Chancellor accentuated. 

He admonished the matriculants to view their matriculation as a journey; a process to develop themselves to impact their lives and those of society in positive ways. “This advice is in line with my strategic mission of continuous improvement and life-long learning.”  

A cross-section of Convocation Members

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