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UEWABS Installs Directional Posts and Name Tags at SoB

The 2022/2023 batch of the University of Education, Winneba-Association of Business Students (UEWABS) has installed six directional posts and name tags at the School of Business (SoB) building.    

The SoB block has historically presented difficulties for many students when navigating their way around the facility. The directional signage and name tags were installed to make it easier for students and visitors to navigate their way around the facility.

The two projects were unveiled on Friday, 23rd June, 2023, at the South Campus of the university.

Prof. Awaisu Imurana Braimah

In his opening remarks at the unveiling ceremony, the Dean of SoB, Prof. Awaisu Imurana Braimah, praised the UEWABS leadership for continuing to support efforts to standardise the SoB's operations.

"In all honesty, I'm not sure what adjectives to use to describe this executive. They have done a lot, and they continue to do more for us. As a kind gesture from UEWABS, we have a notice board with a list of our programmes, and our offices are clearly marked. Now, we have these directional posts that will inform visitors coming to the school that the first floor has these specific offices; the second floor has its own specified offices; the third floor; and the fourth floor.

"This makes the School look so standard to the extent that you can’t come here and get lost. So, I want to thank the patron, the executive of UEWABS, and the students for their contributions. This is a legacy project," he told the student body.

Dr. Joseph Ato Forson (right)

On his part, the patron of UEWABS and graduate coordinator for the Procurement and Supply Chain Management (PSCM) programme, Dr. Joseph Ato Forson, applauded the UEWABS executive for going beyond the boundaries of what was expected of them.  

"Our members now obtain the assistance they require, and the association is thriving. Even with our limited resources, I'm overwhelmed by this kind of performance. The membership dues is just ₵25, but with this meagre sum, the association was able to accomplish a lot," he emphasised.

Dr. Forson expressed optimism that the action taken by the UEWABS executive would encourage students to pay their dues on time. He said that the completion of more development initiatives would go a long way towards benefiting SoB staff, students, and the university.

"We have more than 3,000 students, so the student body can accomplish more, and if each one contributes even ₵20, that's a significant sum of money.  I will encourage all students to be part of this association. Once you are in SoB, you have to become part of it. I’m encouraging members from all levels to take up their responsibility as members of the association by paying their dues," he called on the student body.

 Mr. Frederick Gbeglo

The President of UEWABS and Level 300 Accounting student, Mr. Frederick Gbeglo, assured the student body of more enthralling projects that would improve their studies and stay on campus. 

“We chose to work with the women's commissioner on a project aimed at empowering women upon realising that we have talented and attractive women at the SoB. This semester, we also intend to host a seminar that will inspire our pursuit of entrepreneurship and business,” he stated.   

The 2022/2023 UEWABS executive comprised Emmanuel Ofori Kpodo (General Secretary), Asana Musah (Treasurer), Emmanuel Kofi Adu (Financial Secretary), Eunice Zieaba (Women’s Commissioner), Shine Nuworsu (Organising Secretary), Hamdala Munkailu (Public Relations Officer) and Prince Ansah (Council Attorney).

2022/2023 UEWABS Executive in a group picture after the unveiling ceremony

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