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Emotional Intelligence of Headteachers in the Senior High Schools in Ghana: A Conundrum?

Prof Dampson, Dandy George
Dean - Faculty of Educational Studies
  00233- 246913593
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Dampson, D.G.
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Article Title
Emotional Intelligence of Headteachers in the Senior High Schools in Ghana: A Conundrum?
Journal of Education and Culture Studies
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The study employed the explanatory sequential mixed methods design where quantitative and qualitative data sets were collected to address the research problem. Two hundred and sixty-two (262) headteachers were sampled randomly from the Central and Greater Accra regions of Ghana for the quantitative phase of the study whilst eight (8) headteachers were subsequently sampled purposively for the qualitative phase of the study. The quantitative data were analyzed using means and standards deviations whilst the qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. The study found that the emotional intelligence of the headteachers was low. The study further established that the academic qualification of the headteachers was not a significant predictor of their Emotional Intelligence (EI). However, the gender and age of the headteachers predicted their EI significantly. It was concluded the EI level of the headteachers may affect how they lead and manage their respective schools. It is recommended that periodic pragmatic and purposeful in-service and workshops in EI should be provided for headteachers in the study area by the Metro Directorate of Education. Furthermore, the Circuit Supervisors, Metro Directors and the Ghana Education Service should liaise with the Ghana Psychological Council to provide psychological support for the headteachers in the Senior High Schools within the study area. Finally, the Ministry of Education through the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission should ensure that teacher education programmes that are offered in the institutions of higher learning in Ghana have contents in the area of emotional intelligence and educational leadership to equip headteacher in the management of their schools.

© 2019 University of Education, Winneba