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An investigation of the effect of employee empowerment on job performance in Ghana

Dr. Yamoah, Emmanuel Erastus
Vice Dean, School of Business

Yamoah, E. E. & Afful, D.
Publication Year
Article Title
An investigation of the effect of employee empowerment on job performance in Ghana
International Journal of Business and Management
Issue Number
Page Numbers
The primary purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between employee empowerment and job performance in Ghana. The study adopted the survey methodology to collect data from employees of selected public sector institutions across different regions of Ghana. Analysis of variance and simple regression were used to test the hypothesis in order to understand the relationships among the variables. The study found that employees who feel a high sense of empowerment in their work tend to be more effective inn performing job responsibilities. Managers of organisations are encouraged to introduce empowerment programmes in their organisations for the purpose of improving job performance and enhancing competitive advantage.

© 2019 University of Education, Winneba