Ms. Addo, Dorcas Attuabea

+233 24233 4503 | | |
Ansah, Richard Kwame and Tackie, Sampson and Twum, Rhodaline Abena and Tawiah, Kassim and Boadi, Richard Kena and Addo, Dorcas Attuabea and Effah-Poku, Samuel and Zigli, David Delali. (2024). The relationship between anaemia and the use of treated bed nets among pregnant and non-pregnant women in Ghana. Plos One, 19(5), e0300431. DOI:
Dorcas Attuabea Addo. (27th - 30th November, 2023). End-to-End HHL Algorithm: Pseudocode for Solving System of Linear Equation Problems (SLEP) [Paper presentation]. Conference on Mathematics & Its Applications, Accra
Peter Akayuure, Richard Asumadu Oppong, Dorcas Attuabea Addo, Dennis Osei Yeboah. (2022). Geometric Thinking Behaviours of Undergraduates on-Entry and at-Exit of Online Geometry Course. Science Journal of Education. Science Journal of Education, 10(5), 155-163. DOI: