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Prof deGraft-Yankson, Patrique

Prof deGraft-Yankson, Patrique
Professor of Art & Design Education
  +233 24 888 2966
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deGraft-Yankson, P. (10th to 18th November, 2019). Exploring the visual cultural values of students’ art works in the Department of Art Education, UEW [Paper presentation]. Exploring Visual Cultures symposium and project tours, Munich and Vernice

deGraft-Yankson, P. (2nd to 6th September, 2019). Stool symbolism and educational significance of the ‘Funtumfunefu-Dԑnkyԑmfunefu’ stool (group presentation) [Paper presentation]. Exploring Visual Cultures symposium, Stellenbosch

Achiaw, S. A., Asemanyi, A. A., deGraft-Yankson, P., Boamah, A., Adzei, S.A. (2019). Visual Aesthetics and Aural Techniques used in Television Political Campaign ADS During Ghana's 2016 Presidential Elections. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science. , 24(4), 63-73.

Adzei, S.A., Boamah, A., deGraft-Yankson, P., Achiaw, S. A. (2019). Colour Dynamics and the Multimedia Industry: Its Role in Video Games. International Journal of Psychology and Education. , 2, 1-25.

deGraft-Yankson, P. & Wagner, E. (2019). 'El Anatsui, Rising Sea'. (An aesthetical interpretation of an artwork by El Anatsui). In Astrid Brosch & Ernst Wagner (Eds.) 101 Ikonen - Schl+sselwerke des kulturellen Bildged'chtnisses im Kunstunterricht (Key objects of cultural memory in art education). Westermann Verlag, Munich.

deGraft-Yankson, P. (2019). A Basic Handbook on Information and Communication Technology for Visual Art (2nd Edition). Black Mask Ltd, .

Boamah, A., Adzei, S.A., Adomako-Agyeman, K. N., deGraft-Yankson, P., Achiaw, S. A. (2018). Ethical Policy on Advertising Effectiveness: Its Implementation on Television Advertising in Ghana. International Journal of Psychology and education. , 1, 129-140.

deGraft-Yankson, P. (2018). What is Graphic Desgn? Seeking a new answer to an old question. The International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies. , 6(5), 281-288.

deGraft-Yankson, P. & Agyarko, E. K. (2018). Historical and technological developments of outdoor advertising in Ghana (Revised Edition). University of Cape Coast Printing Press, .

deGraft-Yankson, P. (30thMay to 2nd June, 2017). My Cumulus story and insights gained [Paper presentation]. Cumulus REDO Conference, Stellenbosch

Acquaah, S., Amissah, E.R.K. & deGraft-Yankson, P. (2017). Dress Aesthetics of Smock in Northen Ghana: Form, Function and Context. Journal of Textile Engineering and Fashion Technology. , 1(2).

Yorke, J. O., Amissah, E. K., Essuman, J. & deGraft-Yankson, P. (2017). A Conceptual Shift in Educational Logo Designs: The Impact of Kwame Nkrumah's Cultural Policy on Ghana's Educational Philosophy. Arts and Design Studies. , 60.

Yorke, J. O., deGraft-Yankson, P. & Amissah, E. K. (2017). Ghana's Presidential Seats and Sword of State: Aesthetic Manifestation of Kwame Nkrumah's Cultural Policy on Ghana's Political Culture. Journal of Literature and Art Studies. , 7(12), 1604-1624.

Yorke, J.O., Amissah, E.K., deGraft-Yankson, P. & Essuman, J. (2017). An Overview of Kwame Nkrumah's Cultural Policies on Ghana's Visual Culture. Research Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies. , 3(3).

deGraft-Yankson, P., Donkor, E.K. & Amissah, E.R.K. (2017). Managing the Scrap Metal Situation in the Sekondi Takoradi Municipality - The Artist's Take. Journal of Literature and Art Studies. , 7(7).

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