UEW Lecturer Appointed Member of Mission 89 Scientific Research Committee

Dr. Ernest Yeboah Acheampong, a lecturer at the Department of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Sports (HPERS), University of Education, Winneba (UEW), has been appointed a member of the Scientific Research Committee constituted by Mission 89, Switzerland.
Mission 89, selected Dr. Acheampong and six other scholars from all walks of life to provide strategic oversight in an expert advisory capacity to Mission 89 on matters relating to the organisation’s research agenda, research objectives as well as research-related policies such as project ethics assessments or project risk assessments.
The other members of the Committee are Dr. James Esson (Loughborough University), Dr. Monique Emser (University of KwaZulu-Natal), Dr. Sine Agergaard (Aalborg University), Dr. Christian Ungruhe (Universitat Passau), Prof. Dr. Roza Pati (St. Thomas University School of Law) and Marie-Laure Lemineur (FIFA).
The Scientific Research Committee mandated to operate in a manner consistent with the values, policies, and procedures adopted by Mission 89 will provide thematic expertise along with specialised input and feedback. They will also provide advice, recommendations and discuss the courses of action needed to develop timeous and relevant research.
The seven-member Committee will be responsible for advising on annual research strategy; advising on the timing, scope, and objectives of research projects; advising on possible support/funding opportunities; and consideration of the implications for the organisation of emerging national and international initiatives, which have an impact on research activity, and developing appropriate responses.

The term of service for the Research Committee is for two years and can be renewed for one further term of two years.
Dr. Ernest Yeboah Acheampong, a former semi-professional player, holds a Ph.D. in Economic Sociology of Sport from the Universite Grenoble Alpes, France. He also has a Confederation of African Football (CAF) coaching license B to train and develop youth and mature football players. He has engaged in specialised programmes for grassroots football development in Ghana and across Africa.
Dr. Acheampong has several publications with Taylor and Francis Group and Chapters in some notable sports books. He remains the only Ghanaian to have done the International FIFA Masters in Sports Management.
During his tenure as the Head of HPERS, he organised teaching programmes to maintain an acceptable standard of teaching and ensured that facilities were available for research; recommended to the Faculty Board the development of syllabus and courses as well as promotion of research in the Department; and provided leadership in the implementation of the Strategic Plan of the Department.

Mission 89 took inspiration from the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, FIFA’s Article 19 intended to protect the commercial movement of footballers under the age of 18, and the International Olympic Committee principles prohibiting the exploitation of young athletes and ensuring that they are protected.
The organisation provides insights and conducts advocacy campaigns to educate and inform youth as well as sport and anti-trafficking stakeholders about the risks of dealing with unscrupulous agents who exploit young athletes.