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Mr. Botchwey, Charles Owusu-Aduomi

Mr. Botchwey, Charles Owusu-Aduomi
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Botchwey, C. O. A., Boateng, A. A., Ahimah, P. O., Acquah, F., Adoma, P. O., Kumah, E., ... & Koomson, J. B. K. (2024). Patient safety culture and satisfaction in Ghana: a facility-based cross-sectional study. BMJ OPEN, N/A(N/A), N/A. DOI:

Emmanuel Kumah, John-Mark Amponsah, Prince Owusu Adoma, Dorothy Serwaa Boakye, Richard Boateng, Charles Owusu-Aduomi Botchwey & Michael Atari Baidoo . (2024). Turnover intention and associated factors among health workers in Christian Health Association of Ghana hospitals: An institution-based cross-sectional study,. International Journal of Healthcare Management, N/A, 1-9. DOI:

Boateng, A.A., Botchwey, C.OA., Adatorvor, B.A. et al. (2023). A phenomenological study on recurrent teenage pregnancies in effutu municipality- Ghana.the experiences of teenage mothers. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 218. DOI:

Botchwey, C. O.-A. (2023). Knowledge And Practice of Healthcare Ethics Among Healthcare Professionals: An Awareness Creation Apparatus.”. The Journal of Healthcare Ethics & Administration, 9(1), 25-33. DOI:

Richard Boateng, Agartha Afful Boateng, Gloria Aboagye, Emmanuel Kumah, Prince Owusu Adoma and Charles Owusu-Aduomi Botchwey. (2023). Training Motivation and Post Training Turnover Intention: Reifying the Narrative in a Community Health Training Institution in Ghana. Journal of Economics and Management Research, 4(2), 1-5. DOI:

Owusu-Aduomi Botchwey, C., Boateng, A. A., Brown, R., Acquah, F., Saah, F. I., Kruh, V., ... & Boatemaa-Yeboah, Y. (2023). Guardians of Health: Exploring Hand Hygiene Practices, Knowledge and Hurdles among Public Health Nurses in Effutu Municipality. . Hospital Practices and Research, 8(1), 224-232. DOI:

Acquah, F., Botchwey, C. O. A., Adoma, P. O., & Kumah, E. (2023). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and its legalisation in Africa: Insights from tertiary-level students in Ghana. Plos One, N/A, N/A. DOI:

Botchwey, C. O.-A., Quaye, E., Afful Boateng, A., Aggrey-Bluwey, L., Acquah, F., Opoku, R., & Atari Baidoo, M. (2022). Self-Medication among Pregnant Women in the Jasikan District of Ghana. Asian Journal of Pregnancy and Childbirth, 5(1), 32-45. DOI:

Botchwey, C. O.-A. (2022). The Challenges Confronting Computerized Health Records System Performance of the Pentecost Hospital, Accra: A Qualitative Study. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 18(3), 112. DOI:

Botchwey, C. O.-A., Acquah, F., Opoku, R., Afful Boateng, A., & Baidoo, M. A. (2022). Knowledge of Sexual and Reproductive Health among Adolescents in a Ghanaian Municipality: A Mixed-Method Approach. Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research, 30(1), 105-117. DOI:

Botchwey, C. O.-A., Boateng, A. A., Adjei, E. A., Acquah, F., Opoku, R., & Baidoo, M. A. (2022). A Multifaceted Investigation into the Menace of Teenage Pregnancies in a Rural Ghanaian Community. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports, 28(1), 35-49. DOI:

Botchwey, C. O.-A., Takyiwaa, L., Boateng, A. A., Opoku, R., Baidoo, M. A. and Acquah, F. (2022). A Survey of Knowledge and use of Modern Contraceptives among Female Students in a Public University in Ghana. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 34(40), 69-76. DOI: http://10.9734/jpri/2022/v34i40A36258

Botchwey, C. O.-A., Kesseh, D., Baidoo, M. A., Boateng, A. A., & Boakye, D. S. (2022). Occupational Health and Safety Practices among Sanitation Workers in a Public University in Ghana: A Qualitative Approach. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 12(10), 226-237. DOI:

Afriyie, E. K., Kumah, E., Kokuro, C., Botchwey, C. O. A., Boateng, A. A., & Agyei-Baffour, P. (2022). Health literacy levels of mothers of under 5-year-old children in two districts in Ghana. Journal of Health Literacy, 7(4), 21-23. DOI: http://10.22038/jhl.2022.67555.1348

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