Dr, Dogbey, Emmanuel

+233205761547 | |
edogbey@uew.edu.gh | |
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Emmanuel Dogbey,Esther Katheu Mbithi, Oscar Macharia Maina,. (2021). Literary Study of Invectives in Selected Works of H. K. Bidi Setsoafia. Stratford Journal of Marketing and communication, V. 4(N. 1), 48-69. https://stratfordjournals.org/
Emmanuel Dogbey. (2021). THE CONCEPT OF COOK AND EAT: A SEMANTICS ASPECT OF COOK AND EAT VERBS IN EWE. Fourth Volume: International Journal of Psychology and Education, vol. 4(No. 4), 17-28. https://journals.uew.edu.gh/index.php/ijope/art...
Dogbey,E ., and Sanortey , T.D. (2019). The efficacy of Saliva among the Ewe and the Birifor people of Ghana. African Journal of Applied Research, V. 4(N. 1), 81-92. https://www.ajaronline.com/index.php/AJAR/artic...
Emmanuel Dogbey Georgina Sapaty. (2019). Portrayal of Children and Adults in Ewe Proverbs. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.9(No.2), 107-117. https://www.iiste.org
mar Abdul-Hakim, Emmanuel Dogbey. (2019). Kasem Metaphoric Extensions of yi ‘Eye’ and yuu ‘Head’ Expressions. International Journal of Literature and Arts, Vol.9(No.2), 26-31. http://www.iiste.org
Umar Abdul-Hakim1 , Emmanuel Dogbey2. (2019). Kasem Metaphoric Extensions of yi ‘Eye’ and yuu ‘Head’ Expressions. International Journal of Literature and Arts, Volume 7,(Issue 1), 26-31. http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/ijla
Emmanuel Dogbey 1 , Esther K. Mbithi 2 , Pascal Kpodo 3 & Oscar Macharia Maina 4. (2012). The beauty of insult amongst the Ewe People. Hybrid Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies, Volume 3,(Issue 1,), 69-83. https://royalliteglobal.com/hybrid-literary/art...