Ms. Nartey, Esther

+233249152015 | | |
Twumasi A. K., Nartey, E., Quayson, C., Sam, A., Hanson, R. (2023). Chemistry students’ knowledge and practices of chemical waste management in Chemistry laboratories. African Journal of Chemical Education, 13(3), 21-41.
Nartey, E. & Hanson, R. (2021). Nartey, E. The perceptions of Senior High School students and teachers about Organic Chemistry: A Ghanaian perspective. Science Education International, 32(4), 331-342. DOI:
Twumasi A. K, Hanson, R., Nartey, E., Sam, A, Quayson, C. (2021). Teacher Trainees’ Alternative Conceptions about Intermolecular Forces. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 6(12), 18-23.