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Prof. Arkoful , Sam

Prof. Arkoful , Sam
Vice Dean

Twumasi, A. K., Nartey, E., Quayson, C., Sam, A., Hanson, R. (2023). Chemistry students’ knowledge and practices of chemical waste in chemistry laboratories. African Journal of Chemical Education, 13(3), 21-41.

Sam, A. & Duncan, B. (2022). Assessment of human specimen heavy metals of some selected e-waste miners in Ghana. Elixir Pollution, 162, 55979-55983.

Adjei, F., Hanson, R., Sam, A., & Sedegah, S. (2022). The use of collaborative approaches on students’ performance in redox reactions. Science Education International, 33(2), 163-170.

Quansah, A. K., Sam, A., Ohuapo-Agyemang, L., Nkansah, P. A. (2022). Evaluation of heavy metal pollution index of groundwater during dry season in Winneba- Ghana. Elixir Pollution, 171, 56502-56506.

Twumasi, A. K., Hanson, R., Sam, A., Quayson, C., & Nartey, E. (2021). Teacher trainees’ alternative conceptions about intermolecular forces. International Journal of Innovative Science and Technology, 6(12), 18-23.

Sam, A. (2020). Students’ conceptual difficulties of some selected coordination chemistry topics in higher education. International Journal of Innovative Social & Science Education Research, 8(2), 1-9.

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