Prof. Hordzi, Wisdom Harrison Kofi

Born 23rd March, 1965 at Adaklu Torda in the Volta Region. Attended Adaklu Torda L/A Primary and Middle School. Attended Ghana Secondary School, Koforidua and obtained "O' Level and "A" Level certificates in 1985 and 1987 respectively. Pursued BSc. Biology and Diploma in Education programmes in the University of cape Coast. Obtained MPhil in Zoology and PhD in Zoology from the University of Cape coast in 1998 and 2009 respectively. Worked in Adaklu Community Secondary School, Dambai Teacher Training College, Swedru Secondary School, as Distance Education Study Centre Coordinator, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor in the University of Education, Winneba. Has 36 peer reviewed articles, five conference papers, seven books, two book chapters and two research reports to my credit.
My areas of research are Biology, Entomology, Biology Education, Science Education, Distance Education and HIV/AIDS Stigma Reduction. I am currently the Head of the Department of Biology Education. i attended a number of workshops and conferences nationally and internationally, took part in a number of research work, served on a number of committees and teach both undergraduate and post graduate courses. i supervise undergraduate project work as well as postgraduate dissertations and theses.
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