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Prof. Annobil, Charles Nyarko

Prof. Annobil, Charles Nyarko
Associate Professor
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Annobil, C. N. (2024, April 8 - 12). ‘Your Department, Digitalization and Skills in Education [Paper presentation]. International Week Celebration and Conference on Digital Tools and Skills in Education -Theme: Introduction to Digital Lives – Balancing Potentials and Challenges, University College of Copenhagen, Copenhagen

(2024, March 26 - 27). [Paper presentation]. 7th Biennial Social Science Conference - Theme: Bringing the Gown to Town: Governance, Society and Post Pandemic Adjustment, Jophus Anamuah Conference Centre, North Campus, UEW, Winneba, Central Region

Annobil, C. N. (2023, August 9 - 11). Obtaining Training in Religious and Moral Education in Public Universities: Choices, Challenges and Prospects [Paper presentation]. 7th International Multidisciplinary Conference for Postgraduate Students - Theme: Paradigm Shift in Pedagogical Innovation for Transformative Education, Jophus Anamuah Conference Centre, North Campus, UEW, Winneba, Central Region

Annobil, C. N. (2022, October 26 - 28). Storytelling and Legends as Pathways to Indigenous Knowledge and Moral Development among Kindergarten Children, Cape Coast, Ghana: Perspectives of Teachers [Paper presentation]. Joint International Educational Research Conference - Theme: Delivering Quality Teacher Education in 21st Century: Challenges and Prospects, Komenda College of Education, Komenda, Central Region

Annobil, C. N. (2022, September 7 - 9). Effect of Covid-19 on Academic Achievements of Basic School Pupils in Ghana: Insights from Teachers’ Perspectives [Paper presentation]. 6th International Multidisciplinary Conference for Postgraduate Students 2022  - Theme: Change and Digital Transformation in the New Normal: Role of the Postgraduate Student, Jophus Anamuah Conference Centre, North Campus, UEW, Winneba, Central Region

Annobil, C. N. (2022, July 20 - 21). Parental Partners: Impact of Covid-19 on Parental Support Towards Quality Basic Education Delivery in Ghana [Paper presentation]. 6th Biennial Social Science Conference 2022 - Theme: Bringing the Gown to Town: Reflections on Africa’s Development in the Face of Pandemics, Jophus Anamuah Conference Centre, North Campus, UEW, Winneba, Central Region

(2022, May 11). [Paper presentation]. Conference on ISSER Roadshow 2022. Theme: Harnessing Stakeholder Engagement and Feedback for Research Impacts, Jophus Anamuah Conference Centre, North Campus, UEW, Winneba, Central Region

(2021, November 23 - 25). [Paper presentation]. International Virtual Conference on Behavioural Health Professional Development-Training Online Series

(2021, November 3). [Paper presentation]. 2nd National Social Studies Conference 2021. Theme: Development of the 21st Century Skills and Competencies: The Role of Social Studies, Jophus Anamuah Conference Centre, North Campus, UEW, Winneba, Central Region

(2021, May 18 - 19). [Paper presentation]. International Virtual Conference 2021. Theme: Re-Imagining Tertiary Education Delivery in Covid-19 Pandemic Era and Beyond: The Role of ICT, Winneba, Central Region

Mumuni, T., & Annobil, C. N. (2021). Storytelling and Legends as Pathways to Indigenous Knowledge and Moral Development among Children: The Case of Kindergarten Centres within Tata and Kariba, Cape Coast, Ghana. International Journal of Basic Education Research and Policy, 2(3), 218 - 237.

(2020, July 20 - 21). [Paper presentation]. International E-Conference on COVID-19 Global Impacts

Annobil, C. N. (2020, June 15 - 17). Predictors of the Basic School Religious and Moral Education Curriculum at the Basic Level [Paper presentation]. SOCOINT 2020 7th International Virtual Conference on Education and Education of Social Sciences, Istanbul

Annobil, C. N. (2020). Predictors of the basic school religious and moral education curriculum implementation in cape coast, Ghana. European Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 8(4), 37 - 55.

Annobil, C. N., Annan, A., & Quansah, S. D. (2020). Parental Support towards Quality Religious and Moral Education Delivery at Primary School Level. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(3), 263 - 277.

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