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Orientation for Deans, Directors, Deputy Registrars and Heads of Department

The banner for the announcement

The Division of Human Resource is organising a One-Day Orientation for Deans, Vice Deans, Directors, Deputy Registrars and Heads of Department on the theme “Achieving Our Mandate through the Implementation of Corporate Strategic Plan 2019-2023”.

The purpose of the orientation is to orient and equip participants with the necessary skills to address common challenges in the discharge of their duties. The programme is scheduled as follows:


Winneba & Ajumako campuses

Date:   Friday, 11th October, 2019 

Venue: Manna Heights Hotel, Mankessim

Time: 7:00am


Kumasi & Mampong-Ashanti campuses

Date: Monday, 7th October, 2019

Venue: Golden Bean Hotel, Kumasi

Time: 7:00am


Official invitation letters have been forwarded to emails of participants.

© 2019 University of Education, Winneba