Entrepreneurial leadership and employee performance; the role of innovative work behavior among employees in the food and beverages industry

Entrepreneurial leadership and employee performance; the role of innovative work behavior among employees in the food and beverages industry
Purpose – This study seeks to examine the mediating role of innovative work behavior (IWB) in the relationship
between entrepreneurial leadership (EL) and employee performance.
Design/methodology/approach – The study adopted the cross-sectional research design of quantitative
approach where data were collected from 344 employees in Ghana’s food and beverages industry. The retrieved
data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (partial least squares structural equation modeling).
Findings – Mainly, the study revealed that IWB positively and significantly mediated the relationship between
EL and contextual and task performance (TP). The study found that EL has a significant positive relationship
with task and contextual performance (CP). This indicates that leaders who demonstrate entrepreneurial
qualities, such as innovation, proactiveness and risk-taking, are likely to enhance their team’s ability to complete
specific tasks effectively (TP) and contribute positively to the broader organizational environment (CP).
Practical implications – Practically, organizations that prioritize EL qualities among managers and supervisors
in the form of providing training programs, coaching and mentorship opportunities that emphasize innovation,
risk-taking and pro-activeness in decision-making significantly influence their employee performance.
Originality/value – The originality and value of this study lie in its comprehensive exploration of the
relationship between EL, IWB and performance outcomes.