A survey on the knowledge and use of quail eggs in the Effutu municipality of the central region of Ghana
A survey on the knowledge and use of quail eggs in the Effutu municipality of the central region of Ghana
This descriptive survey focused on investigating consumers’ knowledge of quail eggs, frequency of consumption, and motive of usage among the people of Effutu in the central region of Ghana. Multi-stage sampling techniques (stratified, simple random, and purposive) were used to select a sample size of 392. Data collected with the questionnaire were analysed and presented in descriptive statistics. The Results indicated that out of the 392 respondents, 239 (61%) had knowledge about quail eggs, 127 (53%) of the respondents used quail eggs, and 62 (49%) of those who had ever used the eggs consumed them daily for medicinal purpose rather than food with the majority (87.1%) revealing that they experienced positive results in their health conditions after using the quail eggs. It could be concluded that most Effutu people know about quail eggs but the consumption rate is rather low with the motive of managing degenerative diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and kidney problems but not as food. Increased education will enhance awareness and patronage of quail eggs and help ameliorate malnutrition since quail eggs are highly nutritious.Â