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Bentil, J.
Publication Year
Article Title
Study habits and academic performance among public Junior High School Students in the Ekumfi District: Investigating the controlling effect of learning styles.
European Journal of Social Sciences Studies,
Issue Number
Page Numbers

Despite the increased prominence of research on the influence of study habits and learning styles on students’ academic performance in recent years, there are still controversies and debates in literature on whether learning style strengthens the effect of study habits on academic performance. Therefore, this study utilized Bakare (1977) study habits theory and the VAK learning styles theory postulated by Fernald and Keller (1920) as theoretical lenses to examine the influence of study habits on academic performance among students in public Junior High Schools in the Ekumfi District, while controlling for the possible effect of learning styles. A cross-sectional descriptive survey design was
used to collect quantitative data through a questionnaire and checklist from 475 students using proportionate stratified sampling techniques. After meeting validity and reliability requirements, inferential statistical tools such as Pearson Product Moment Correlation and hierarchical multiple regression were used to analyze the data. The study revealed that overall, study habits attained a strong and statistically significant positive relationship with students’ overall academic performance. Besides, the study revealed that learning styles exclusively contributed significantly to academic performance. It was further revealed that learning styles did not impede the effect of study habits on academic
performance. Instead, learning styles reinforced the link between study habits and academic performance among the students. Specifically, it was established that auditory learning style, visual learning style, kinesthetic learning style, reading and note-taking and time management made a unique and significant contribution to academic performance, however, the individual contributions of examination, homework and
assignments, and concentration did not reach statistical significance. Therefore, it is recommended that strategies aimed at the improvement of study habits should runconcurrently with approaches to enhancing the learning styles of the students for better academic performance.

Keywords: study habits, learning styles, academic performance, junior high school

© 2019 University of Education, Winneba