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Addai- Tuffour, P., Abieraba, R.S.K., & Mary, O.
Publication Year
Article Title
Managing pupils’ aggression in physical education lessons; the teachers’ approach
International Journal of Education, Learning and Development
Issue Number
Page Numbers
The study examined the managerial approaches of teachers towards the Pupils’ aggressive behaviour in Physical Education at Basic Schools in Offinso South municipality, Ghana. The stratified and purposive sampling techniques were used to sample (21) Teachers, and thirty two (32) pupils over a period of four weeks from four (4) Basic Schools. Anecdotal Record technique and questionnaires were the instruments used to gather data on the various respondents. The research revealed that some Aggressive Behaviours keep recurring in the physical education lessons. Evidence from the data suggested that a total of seven (7) aggressive behaviours were exhibited by pupils. Multiple regression analyses have been deployed to test the hypothesized relationship and the Results revealed that aggression had significant negative effects on students’ physical performances. Also, there is significant relationship between the teachers managerial approach with regards to pupils’ aggressive behaviour in Offinso south municipality Basic Schools. Behaviours such as kicking, biting, verbal attacks, and Noise making were recorded as the most frequently occurring aggressive behaviours. Punishments and redirection of children’s attention were the most approaches used by teachers. It is recommended that teachers should enforce the Ghana Education Service code of discipline for Basic Schools but in some situations, they have to be allowed to use their own discretions to decide the type of treatment that is necessary to be meted out to pupils.

© 2019 University of Education, Winneba