Physically challenged persons and selection of textile fabric: A case study of Sekondi-Takoradi metropolis.
Clothing which is one of the basic needs of human being, plays a significant role in an individual’s life at all stages. Physically challenged persons,however, are confronted with the choice of certain fabrics for clothing due to their disabilities. Evidence shows that two out of ten persons living in Ghana have problems with the right choice of textiles fabric for use as garment. The type of attire or article to which the people would like to use the fabric or cloth for remains unknown. This lack of data has been making it impossible for fashion designers and artisans to produce ready-to-use articles and attires for the physically challenged persons. This study aims at assessing physically challenged persons and selection of textiles fabric for use considering the mobility gadget and its related comfortability among the physically challenged people in the Sekondi Takoradi–Metropolis. The research design used was descriptive and observation survey. An orderly sampling strategy was applied to select 300 respondents, comprising physically challenged cloth merchant, fashion designers and the public. Data for the study was obtained using structured questionnaires, interview and observation. The results of the study revealed that majority of the people in the formal sector like using the fabric for social function than any others. The findings indicated that two-thirds of the respondents who, to some extent, consider the durability of the textile’s fabric in connection to the mobility gadget used but due to the low income earning it offset them to consider the price to durability. There was also a healthy relationship between patterns selection of textile fabric for garment and convenience of the mobility gadget. These findings provide a holistic understanding of the challenges physically challenged persons faced in the choice of fabrics for use considering the mobility gadget and its related comfortability. The study recommends that people should have positive mind towards the physically challenged and those with knowledge of fabric properties should assist them in the selection of good fabric to enhance their conditions
.Keywords: Physically challenged persons, choice of textiles fabric, garment, Sekondi-Takoradi metropolis, western region, Ghana