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The use of thumbnail sketches in visual arts education: exploring high school students’ perspective in the design process.

Mr. Boamah , Albert
Senior Lecturer
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Vanderpuye, P., Appiah, E. & Boamah, A
Publication Year
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The use of thumbnail sketches in visual arts education: exploring high school students’ perspective in the design process.
Arts and Design Studies
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The study explored the understanding of SHS students on thumbnail sketches as a key tool in the design process. The study utilized the qualitative research approaches using observation and informal interviews to solicit for data. The activity theory was adopted to engage students in the activity of thumbnail sketching. The study revealed the positive mindset of some students to the acknowledgment of thumbnail sketches as ways of generating ideas. The study also revealed negative attitudes of students towards thumbnail sketching activities when undertaking a design activity. The idea of performing thumbnail sketches using both technological and the traditional methods is recommended as effective ways of achieving insightful ideas for effective designing.

© 2019 University of Education, Winneba