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Competencies of the present-day Graphic Designer: A document analysis of online job ads in Ghana

Mr Opoku, Nicholas
  +233 246 667 306

Opoku, N., Appiah, E. & deGraft-Yankson, P.
Publication Year
Article Title
Competencies of the present-day Graphic Designer: A document analysis of online job ads in Ghana
Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design
Issue Number
Page Numbers

This study sought to provide an overview of the competencies required by employers in advertising for graphic design position in relation to interactive design in Ghana. This was done in the context of the dynamism of graphic design profession with current technological advances. Both thematic and content analysis were used to analyse online job advertisements collected within eight months to determine the patterns and frequencies of occurrence of specific requirements for the job position relating to graphic design. This was to better understand employers’ expectations from the graphic designer in terms of designing for interactivity and the implications for graphic design pedagogy. Findings from the study revealed that, traditional graphic designers in Ghana will now have to acquire skills in interactive design and competencies associated with them. These include among others, responsive design, problem-solving, coding skill, software skills, creativity, CMS tools, project management and personal characteristics. Beyond these, request for skills in coding, knowledge in responsive design, knowledge in content management system tools, software skills and teamwork are the most frequently expected skills from the present day graphic designer. We end the paper by suggesting how our study could trigger graphic design pedagogy development.

© 2019 University of Education, Winneba