Prof. Addai-Mununkum, Richardson

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Addai-Mununkum, R. (2025). Catch them young! Inspiring climate action and activism through Ghana's basic school curriculum. Environmental Education Research, 31(3), 1-16. DOI:
Amponsah, R. O. Addai-Mununkum, R., Adjei-Boateng, E., Commey-Mintah, P., Amponsah K. D. (2024). Working during the pandemic: headteachers’ experiences in primary and junior high schools in Accra metropolitan education directorate. Papers in Education and Development, 42(1), 21-29. DOI:
Asante, A. B., Antwi, T., Addai-Mununkum, R. (2024). Applying Adlerian Therapy to Adverse Childhood Experiences in university students. International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research and Education (IMJRE), 2(1), 43-60.
Agordzo Edoh-Torgah, N., Addai-Mununkum, R. (2024). Surviving child labour through forgiveness and self-efficacy: Implications for counselling practice. International Journal of Psychology and Counselling, 16(1), 1-16.
Addai-Mununkum, R., Amoah, S. A., Tamanja, E. M., Amos, P. M., Agyeman, E. A., Addai-Poku, C., Akayuure, P., Kusi, H. (2024). “It Makes Us Feel More Professional!” Stakeholders’ Perception of the Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination. Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies 9, 9(1), 21-29. DOI:
Addai-Mununkum, R. (2023). From Proselytisation to Democratisation: Tracing the Footprints of Religion in the Ghanaian Basic School Curriculum. In Amoako-Gyampah, A., Agyeman, E.A., Lundt, B Education in Ghana: History and Politics. Langaa RPCIG, .
Matemba, Y. H., Addai-Mununkum, R., Nthontho, M. A., & Museka, G. (2023). Religious minorities at school South of the Sahara. In J. Fraser-Pearce & J. W. Fraser (Eds) The Bloomsbury Handbook of Schools and Religion. Bloomsbury Publishing, .
Addai-Mununkum, R. (2023). Non-formal education in digital spaces: A digital ethnography of Ghanaian teachers’ use of whatsapp group. International Journal of Qualitative Research, 3(1), 104-114. DOI:
Addai-Mununkum, R & Setordzi S. (2023). Implementing curriculum change in Ghana: exploring teachers’ experiences with enacting 21st century pedagogies. American Journal of Qualitative Research, 7(4), 119-139. DOI: https://10.29333/ajqr/13660
Addai-Mununkum, R. (2023, June 6). Cool qualitative tools you can use [Paper presentation]. Rhodes University Institute for the Study of the Englishes of Africa, Makenda, Eastern Cape
Addai-Mununkum, R. (2023). Ghanaian High School Pidgin English and the quest for a new identity: Antilanguage or Decolonial Practice?. In Ian Siebörger University of Rhodes Seminar Series Rhodes University, Makenda, South Africa.
Amponsah, R. O., Addai-Mununkum, R., Commey-Mintah, P., & Christianah, F. , Amponsah, K. D. (2023). Amponsah, R. O., Addai-Mununkum, R., ComPerspectives of Basic School Level Headteachers in Accra Metropolitan Education Directorate about their Job Satisfaction amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. African Journal of Educational and Social Science Research, 11(1), 21-29. DOI:
Addai-Mununkum, R. (2023). From proselytization to democratization: Tracing the footprints of religion in Ghanaian Basic School Curriculum. In Amoako-Gyampah, A.K., Lundt, B., Agyeman E. A Education in Ghana: History and Politics. Langaa RPCIG, Yaoude.
Acquaye, V., Addai-Mununkum, R., Acquah, S., Ananga, E. (2022). The new B. Ed. curriculum and the making of 21st Century teachers in Ghana: perceptions of UEW teacher trainees on digital pedagogies. International Journal of Basic Education, 4(3), 87-104.
Nthontho, M., Addai-Mununkum, R. (2021). Towards religious literacy in South African schools: is the Life Orientation curriculum potent enough?. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 42(4), 1-15. DOI: