Mr. Kwarteng, Twumasi Ankrah

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Twumasi, A. K., Nartey, E., Quayson, C., Sam, A., & Hanson, R. (2023). Chemistry students’ knowledge and practices of chemical waste management in chemistry laboratories. African Journal of Chemical Education, 13(3), 21-41.
Claudia Quayson, Twumasi Ankrah Kwarteng*, Ernest Koranteng, Ruby Hanson. (2022). Chemistry Teacher Trainees’ use of Molecular Models in Learning Spiro and Bicyclic Compounds. Science Education International, 33(3), 291-295. DOI:
Kwarteng, T. A , Hanson, R. , Nartey, E . Sam, A, Quayson, C. (2021). Teacher Trainees’ Alternative Conceptions about Intermolecular Forces. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 6(12), 18-23.
Anyetei, B. D., Twumasi. A. K, & Hanson, R. (2019). Interpretation of inclusive education practices in science at a basic school. African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences, 15(1), 15-22. DOI: https://doi.10.4314/ajesms.v15i1.2
Hanson, R., Twumasi, A. K., & Boi-Doku, A. (2019). ANALYSIS OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT FROM SOME FACTORIES IN TEMA. European Journal of Earth and Environment, 6(1), 19-29.
Adjibolosoo, S., Annan, S., Owusu, E., & Twumasi, A. K. (2019). (2019). Antecedent Factors That Motivated People to Be Successful in Science: The Case of Wa District of the Upper West Region, Ghana. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 8(7), 113-126.
Darbah, V. F & Twumasi, A. K. (2017). Hydrocarbon Chemistry.(1). Emmpong Publication, Accra.
Twumasi, A.K. (2017). Awareness and Practice of Solid Waste Management in the Winneba Municipality of Ghana. 4 (1), 39-47. European Journal of Earth and Environment, 4(1), 39-47.
Twumasi, A. K, Samlafo, B.V., & Addo M.G. (2016). Assessment of domestic water quality supplied to households in the Effutu municipality, Ghana. International Journal of Current Research, 8(2), 26684-26689.
Hanson, R., Twumasi, A. K., Aryeetey, C., Sam, A., & Adukpo, G. (2016). Secondary School Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Physical and Chemical Changes. (2016). Secondary School Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Physical and Chemical Changes. Asian Journal of Education and Training, 2(2), 44-52. DOI: https://doi.10.20448/journal.522/2016.2.2/...
Arkoful, S., Kai, N., Ruby, H., & Twumasi, A.K. (2015). The model of Educational Reconstruction: Scientists' and Students' Conceptual Balances to improve teaching of coordination chemistry in higher education. International journal of research and reflection, 3(7), 67-77.