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Mrs. Quayson, Claudia

Mrs. Quayson, Claudia
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Essiam, C., Osei-Antwi, D., & Quayson, C. (2023). Are Chemistry topics difficult to learn? the stance of Ghanaian senior high school students. .  International Journal of New Trends in Arts, Sports & Science Education (IJTASE, 12(2), 112-121.

Twumasi, A. K., Nartey, E., Quayson, C., Sam, A., & Hanson, R. (2023). Chemistry students’ knowledge and practices of chemical waste management in chemistry laboratories. African Journal of Chemical Education, 13(3), 21-41.

Quayson, C., Twumasi, A. K., Koranteng, E., & Hanson, R. (2022). Chemistry Teacher Trainees’ use of Molecular Models in Learning Spiro and Bicyclic Compounds. Science Education International, 33(3), 291-295. DOI:

Twumasi A. K, Hanson, R., Nartey, E., Sam, A., & Quayson, C. (2021). Teacher Trainees’ Alternative Conceptions about Intermolecular Forces. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 6(12), 18-23.

Quayson, C., & Hanson, R. (2020). Using Molecular Models to Name and Illustrate Structures of Monocyclic Compounds. Химия: Природните науки в образованието, 29(6), 692-711, 29(6), 692-711.

Sam, A., Niebert, K., Hanson, R. & Aryeetey, C. . (2016). Fusing Scientists’ and Students’ Conceptual Correspondences to Improve Teaching of Metal Complex Isomerism in Higher Education-An Educational Reconstructive Process. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection    , 4(1), 54-64.

Hanson, R., Twumasi, A. K., Aryeetey, C., Sam, A., & Adukpo, G. (2016). Secondary School Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Physical and Chemical Changes. Asian Journal of Education and Training, 2 (2), 44-52, 2(2), 44-52. DOI:

Antwi V., & Aryeetey, C. (2015). Students' Conception on Heat and Temperature: A study on Two Senior High Schools in the Central Region Of Ghana. International Journal of Innovative Research and Developm, 4(4), 288-301.

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