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Multi Residue Analysis of Systemic Pesticide in Cocoa Beans from Some Farms in the Western North Region, Ghana

Dr. Yaayin, Boniface
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Baah, A., Yaayin, B., & Hanson, R.
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Multi Residue Analysis of Systemic Pesticide in Cocoa Beans from Some Farms in the Western North Region, Ghana
Food and Public Health
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Multi-residue concentrations of systemic pesticides were analysed in cocoa beans sampled from the Western North region. This study's main objectives were to determine whether it was safe to consume cocoa products from the Western North Region by evaluating the residue concentrations of 11 systemic insecticides, 16 systemic fungicides, and 10 systemic herbicides in the sampled cocoa beans and comparing those concentrations to the European Union's Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) for cocoa beans. Ten cocoa farms and ten villages were selected by purposive sampling and simple random sampling respectively, from five Municipal and District Assemblies (MDAs) in the Western North Region. The sampled cocoa beans were examined using a QuEChERS Method MRM by LC-MS/MS that had been partially modified. 37 active compounds were examined. Only one pesticide, pirimiphos-methyl, was found, and its residue level of 0.01 mg/kg was within the EU's MRL for cocoa beans. All of the examined cocoa beans did not contain the other 36 pesticide residues. This suggests that cocoa beans from the Western North Region are of high quality, free of pesticide residues, and hence safe to eat because they provide no health risks to consumers. Additionally, the Region's cocoa sector will not be threatened by the export of cocoa beans to Europe as there were no pesticide residue concentrations exceeding the set MRL.

Keywords Multi-Residue, Systemic, Pesticide, Cocoa Beans, Western North

© 2019 University of Education, Winneba