Dr. Yaayin, Boniface
Asiedu, G., Yaayin, B., & Hanson, R. (2024). Effect of Computer Animations on Senior High School Students’ Academic Achievements in Rate of Reactions. Open Access Library Journal, 11(11), 1-12. https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?...
Yaayin, B., Archie, P., & Dorsah, P. (2024). Utilising context-based learning to promote students’ conceptual understanding and performance in organic chemistry. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 12(6), 28-44. https://www.idpublications.org/ejrres-vol-12-no...
Addo, k. F. & Yaayin, B. (2024). Implementation of flipped classroom pedagogy to enhance students' performance and retention of electron configuration concepts. African Journal of Chemical Education, 14(3), 2-36. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajce/article/vi...
Baah, A., Yaayin, B., & Hanson, R. (2023). Assessment of systemic insecticide residues in cocoa beans from some farms in the Western North region, Ghana. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation, 4(5), 1045-1052. https://www.allmultidisciplinaryjournal.com/upl...
Baah, A., Yaayin, B., & Hanson, R. (2023). Multi Residue Analysis of Systemic Pesticide in Cocoa Beans from Some Farms in the Western North Region, Ghana. Food and Public Health, 13(1), 6-14. http://article.sapub.org/10.5923.j.fph.20231301...
Nyagblormase, A. G., Yaayin, B. & Hanson, R. (2023). The Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom in Improving Pre-service Science Teachers’ Performance in Kinetic Molecular Theory of Matter. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 12(6), 53-60. https://doi.org/10.24940/ijird/2023/v12/i6/JUN2...
Yaayin, B., Oppong E. K., & Hanson, R. (2022). Enhancing Pre-service Teachers' Understanding and Attitudes toward Naming and Reactions of Organic Compounds using Jigsaw Approach. European Journal of Open Education and E-learning Studies, 7(2), 105-123. https://oapub.org/edu/index.php/ejoe/article/vi...
Yaayin, B., Oppong E. K., & Hanson, R. (2021). Efficacy of Jigsaw Model in Improving Pre-service Teachers’ Performance in Selected Functional Group Organic Compounds. Science Education International, 32(3), 191-196. https://icaseonline.net/journal/index.php/sei/a...
Dorsah, P. & Yaayin, B. (2019). Altering Students Misconceptions in Electrochemistry Using Conceptual Change Texts. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 8(11), 33-44. https://doi.org/10.24940/ijird/2019/v8/i11/NOV1...
Yaayin, B. (2018). The Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning Approach to Mole Concept among Students of Tamale College of Education. Journal of Education and Practice, 9(12), 102-112. https://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JEP/ar...
Yaayin, B. & Ayoberd, A. S. (2018). The Influence of Problem-Based Learning Approach on Students’ Perceptions and Attitudes toward the Mole Concept in Tamale College of Education. Africa Development and Resources Research Institute (ADRRI) Journal, 27(4), 18-37. https://www.journals.adrri.org/