Dr. Acquaye, Vivian Naa Ayelesa

Acquaye, V. N., & Kleeberg-Niepage, A. (2024). No Mums Allowed, Ever!!! Ghanaian Young Adolescents’perceptions Of Their Relationship With Their Parents. International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research and Education (IMJRE), 2(1), 16-31. https://journals.uew.edu.gh/index.php/imjre/art...
Acquaye, V.N.A. (2022). Toward the Construction of Ghanaian Childhood(s): An Exploration of Ghanaian Children’s Perception of Ideal Childhood. [Ph.D. Thesis, Europa-Universität Flensburg], Flensburg. ISBN: SearchWorks Catalog https://www.zhb-flensburg.de/dissert/acquaye
Acquaye, V.N.A. (2022). Childhood Fantasy: Young People’s Time Use in Their Imagined Ideal Childhood. Schutter, S., Harring, D. and Bass, L.E. (Ed.) Children, Youth and Time Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, (Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Vol. 30, 103-119. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/S1537-466120220000...
Acquaye, V.N.A., Addai-Mununkum, R, Acquah, S, and Ananga, E. (2021). The New B.ED. Curriculum and the making of 21st century Teachers in Ghana; perception of UEW teacher-trainees on digital pedagogies. International Journal of Basic Education, Research and Policy, 2(3), 87-104.
Acquaye, V.N.A. (2020). Issues about children, childhood and the future as presented in the creative writing of undergraduate students of University of Education. In Andrea Kleeberg-Niepage, Yaw Ofosu-Kusi, Sandra Rademacher & Michael Tressat, (Eds) Children, Childhood, and the Future - cross-cultural perspectives. Cambridge Scholar Publishing, Newcastle.
Acquaye, V.N.A. and Debra, M. (2019). Young but not clueless; exploring children’s perception of a better future through creative writing. International Journal of Basic Education Research and Policy (IJOBERP), 2(1), 160-183.