Availability of Bed Spaces at the GUSSS Hall
The GUSSS UEW Branch would like to notify all UEW students of the availability of bed spaces at the state-of-the-art UEW GUSSS Halls, Hall 1 and 3
Booking Information:
To reserve your spot, simply visit our booking portal at https://gussshostels.uew.edu.gh
Navigation Tip: Note that you can easily find the portal link in the menus by following this route: Homepage > Menu > Students Page > Accommodation > GUSSS Hall.
Reservation Procedure:
Follow these easy steps to ensure a smooth booking process:
- Log in
- Username:
Freshmen, use your Applicant ID (e.g., 230000000).
Continuing students, log in with your Student Numbers. - Password:
Click on "Continue" and select your date of birth in the format Year-Month-Day.
- Username:
- First-Time Users:
If you are using the portal for the first time, you will be taken to a page where you can reset your password.
- Password Reset:
Follow the prompts to complete your password reset. You will be redirected to the login page.
- Login and Reserve:
Log in using your new password and username to access the portal and make your reservation.