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Dr. Appiah, Desmond

Dr. Appiah, Desmond

Chen, K., Zhang, F., Fang, Y. J., Appiah, D., Yuan, S. Q., & Hong, F. (2023). Evaluation of vortex evolution and energy loss within the impeller of a side channel pump. Journal of Hydrodynamics, -, 1-12.

Addo-Wuver, F., Antwi, V., Acquah, I. K., Appiah, D., Gyan, M., Jebuni-Adanu, C., & Opoku, P. (2023). Improvement of Senior High Students’ Performance in Heat Transfer using Practical Activities in Effutu Municipal, Ghana. European Journal of Education Studies, 10(9), -.

Acquah, I. K., Appiah, D., Antwi, V., Gyan, M., Addo-Wuver, F., & Jebuni-Adanu, C. (2023). COVID-19 Immunisation: Perception, Acceptance and Attitude of Ghanaian Students. American Journal of Public Health, 11(4), 136-142.

Appiah, D., Antwi, V., Gyan, M., Acquah, I., & Addo-Wuver, F. (2023). Optical characterisation of polarised light beam under different aqueous concentrations. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics, 3(2), 799-804.

Appiah, D., Adu-Poku, K. A., Zhang, F., Chen, K., & Yuan, S. (2023). Impeller design and performance characteristics of a side channel pump. AIP Advances, 13(3), 035310. DOI:

Adu-Poku, K. A., Appiah, D., Asosega, K. A., Derkyi, N. S. A., Uba, F., Kumi, E. N., ... & Gyamfi, D. (2022). Characterization of fuel and mechanical properties of charred agricultural wastes: experimental and statistical studies. Energy Reports, 8, 4319-4331.

Zhang, F., Appiah, D., Hong, F., Zhang, J., Yuan, S., Adu-Poku, K. A., & Wei, X. (2020). Energy loss evaluation in a side channel pump under different wrapping angles using entropy production method. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 113, 104526.

Pei, J., Zhang, F., Appiah, D., Hu, B., Yuan, S., Chen, K., & Asomani, S. N. (2019). Performance prediction based on effects of wrapping angle of a side channel pump. Energies, 12(1), 139.

Appiah, D., Zhang, F., Yuan, S., & Osman, M. K. (2018). Effects of the geometrical conditions on the performance of a side channel pump: A review. International Journal of Energy Research, 2(2018), 416-428.

Zhang, F., Appiah, D., Zhang, J., Yuan, S., Osman, M. K., & Chen, K. (2016). Transient flow characterization in energy conversion of a side channel pump under different blade suction angles. Energy, 161, 635-648.

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