Phonological variation in Kusaal: A synchronic dialectological study

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Phonological variation in Kusaal: A synchronic dialectological study
The aim of this chapter is to discuss, analyze, and motivate patterns of phonological variation in two dialects of Kusaal, a Mabia language spoken in north-eastern Ghana where, ostensibly, the Toende dialect is more innovative than the Agole dialect. The paper adopts a synchronic dialectological approach to investigate the observed patterns of phonological variation in the dialects. It assumes a qualitative dimension with primary data sourced through interviews, elicitations and native intuitions. Alternations involving consonants and vowels are discussed. Devoicing of stops is widespread word-finally, while debuccalization of /s/ occurs in postvocalic position. In addition, certain vowel sequences undergo deletion or coalescence in the Toende dialect. 1 Introduction.