1. An examination of determinants of academic performance of pupils at the basic level of education in the Effutu Municipality 2. Organisational commitment and job satisfaction among Ghanaian female lectures

Mrs Antwi, Theresa
Senior Lecturer/Ag. Director of the University Counselling Centre
+233243516659 | |
tantwi@uew.edu.gh |
1. An examination of determinants of academic performance of pupils at the basic level of education in the Effutu Municipality 2. Organisational commitment and job satisfaction among Ghanaian female lectures
Paper Title
1. An examination of determinants of academic performance of pupils at the basic level of education in the Effutu Municipality 2. Organisational commitment and job satisfaction among Ghanaian female lectures
Conference Title
International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD)
Conference Date
19th - 23rd June, 2022
Conference City
Rhodos Palace Hotel, Rhodes, Greece