Mrs Antwi, Theresa

+233243516659 | | |
Antwi, T. (12th March 2024). Counselling Skills and Techniques [Paper presentation]. Training of Academic Counsellors, Ajumako Campus Assembly Hall, University of Education, Winneba
Antwi, T. (2024). Communication skills and Techniques in Counselling.(2nd Edition). Pilato Design and Printing, Accra. ISBN: 978-9988-3-7299-6
Antwi, T. (2023). Assessing the effectiveness of continuous professional development programs organised for counsellors in Ghanaian public senior high schools. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 11, 91-107. DOI:
Obeng, C., Adade, J. R. D., Amos, P. M., Antwi, T., & Asiedu, B. W. K. (2023). Social media practices among married couples in a Ghanaian residential area. Journal of New Media and Mass Communication, 104, 74-86. DOI:
Mahama, I., Eshun, P., Amos, P.M., Antwi, T., Amoako, B. M., Eggley, V.E. (2023). Psychological precursors of entrepreneurial intentions among higher education students in Ghana. Discover Education, open, 1-11. DOI:
Antwi, T. (2023). The unplanned journey: challenges of parents of children living with disabilities in Ghana. Psychology, 14, 635-655. DOI:
Antwi, T. (2023). What it is like to be single: experiences of unmarried female professionals in Ghana. Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 13((8)), 41-51. DOI:
Bedu-Addo, P. K., Mahama, I., Amoako, B. M., Amos, P. M., & Antwi, T. (2023). Neglectful parenting and personality traits as predictors of malevolent creativity among Ghanaian tertiary education students. Creative Education,, 14, 232-244. DOI:
Antwi, T. (2023). From theory to practice: the perspective of Ghanaian counselling students. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 8((5)), 2456-2165. DOI:
Antwi, T. (19th - 23rd June, 2022). 1. An examination of determinants of academic performance of pupils at the basic level of education in the Effutu Municipality 2. Organisational commitment and job satisfaction among Ghanaian female lectures [Paper presentation]. International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Rhodos Palace Hotel, Rhodes, Greece
Antwi, T. (27th - 28th October, 2022). Attending to mental health needs in basic schools: What is the teacher's mental health literacy? [Paper presentation]. First Mental Health Authority Conference, Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER Annex), University of Ghana, Legon
Antwi, T. (21st - 22nd July, 2022). Perception of Senior High School Students on their right to participation in decisions affecting them in school: A case of Gomoa East [Paper presentation]. 6th Biennial Social Science Conference,, Jophus Anamuah-Mensah Conference Centre, University of Education, Winneba
Burke, P. J., Gyamera G. O., & the Ghanaian Feminist Collective. (2022). Examining the gendered timescapes of higher education: reflections through letter writing as feminist praxis. Gender and Education, 35((3)), 267- 281. DOI:
Intiful, F., Steele-Dadzie, R., Amos, P. M., Pobee, R., Ainuson-Quampah, J., Ammah, C., Antwi, T., Nkum Wilson, K., & Asante, M. (2021). The impact of interpersonal relationships on dietary habits. In Interpersonal Relationships [Working Title]. IntechOpen, . DOI:
Intiful, F., Steele-Dadzie, R., Amos, P. M., Pobee, R., Ainuson-Quampah, J., Ammah, C., Antwi, T., Nkum Wilson, K., & Asante, M. (2021). The impact of interpersonal relationships on dietary habits interpersonal relationships. In [Working Title]. IntechOpen, . DOI: