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Perception of public basic school teachers on the factors influencing teacher attrition and retention in the Atiwa District in the Eastern Region of Ghana.

Prof. Acquah, Sakina
Associate Professor
+233 202021441

Bentil, J., Acquah, S., & Akyiaw, S. O
Publication Year
Article Title
Perception of public basic school teachers on the factors influencing teacher attrition and retention in the Atiwa District in the Eastern Region of Ghana.
British Journal of Education
Issue Number
Page Numbers
ISSN 2054-636X

This study investigated the factors influencing teacher attrition and retention in public basic schools in the Atiwa District in the Eastern Region of Ghana. A descriptive survey design was used in the conduct of the study where through proportionate stratified random and convenience sampling techniques, 515 teachers were sampled and participated in the study. The instruments included a structured questionnaire and semi-structured interview guide. Data collected were analyzed using both descriptive statistics like mean and standard deviation as well as inferential statistics such as multiple regression with the aid of Version 22 of SPSS. The qualitative data were analyzed through the thematic approach. The study revealed that the teachers identified remuneration and conditions of service factors to predominantly influence their quit intentions more than school environment factors and personal factors. The study showed that retention strategies such as improved salary and remuneration, provision of housing scheme, regular in-service training for teachers, scholarships for further studies, improved classroom environment and teacher involvement in decision making to be likely to boost their retention. Generally, it was revealed that teachers’ demographic variables such as marital status, years of teaching experience and level of teaching significantly predicted their quit intentions. It was further revealed that there was a positive correlation between the predictors (sex, age, rank, academic qualification, marital status, teaching experience, and level of teaching) and retention strategies as these demographic variables contributed significantly to retention strategies. It was, therefore, recommended that the Ghana Education Service through the Atiwa Education Directorate should ensure improved remuneration and conditions of service and school environment should be improved since these are among the top reasons discovered as being behind teacher turnover

© 2019 University of Education, Winneba