This article aims to show how the novel Les Conquérants (1928) by André
Malraux symbolizes a socio-ideological transformation in Canton and beyond in
Europe of the period between the two world wars. Thus, based on the Existentialism
and the Marxist theory, where the British and their Chinese allies embody the
antagonistic powers to Soviet Russia represented by Borodine, Nikolaïev and its
Chinese proletarians, we have shown that fact through the evolution and scope of
action of main character Garine. Indeed, we have first shown that the action of the
hero is first and foremost an individual adventure which results from the crisis of the
values of the capitalist system in Europe at that time. However, we have noticed that
beyond the individualist action of the hero, it is a process of socio-ideological
transformation that Malraux exposes, in the sense that the scope of Garine's
individualist action shows the emergence of a certain fraternity and collective action
which triumphs over British imperialism in Canton and gives way to a new socio-ideological order which is communism. It is therefore in this sense that we perceive
the novel Les Conquérants as a novel of socio-ideological transformation which
suggests the advancement of communism in Asia as in Europe through the
revolutionary movements that the novel La Condition humaine (1933) confirmed
Keywords: transformation, ideology, existence, fraternity, Marxism