Cultural elements and aesthetics in the play, In the chest of a woman.

Cultural elements and aesthetics in the play, In the chest of a woman.
In the C hest of a Woman is set in the Ghanaian society; the Akan cultural society to be exact and reads like a literary attack on cruelly erected male power structures that have confiscated and misused power for the sole glory of patriarchy. The play also discusses Ghanaian issues using folktale cultures; these Ghanaian issues in the play will be discussed to reflect the cultural issues of the society portrayed by the playwright. This paper seeks to investigate if contemporary writers have created a new form of writing by focusing on the indigenous African cultures (cultural issues) of their society or they are also following the practice of earlier writers. Hence, the study of Efo Kodjo Mawugbe’s In the Chest of a Woman to identify these cultural issues portrayed by the playwright.