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Picture of Graphic Design Students being awarded at a just ended awards program
  • The Department has initiated an international collaboration between the Department of Communication and Multimedia Design (CMD), Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and the Department of Graphic Design, University of Education, Winneba. 


  • The Department designed 36 pull up banners with information on Dos and DON’Ts in the University and also design plaques for the Centre for Research and Creative Arts (CeRCA) block at the Central Campus of the University 


  • Additionally, the Department designed 10,000 flyers for the University. This was designed mainly for the fresh men and women to the University at the beginning of the 2018/2019 academic year.


  • The Department has become a resource centre for visual arts to many educational and other institutions all over the country. 
  • Senior Members in the Department attended Faculty Seminars in the School of Creative Arts at the Central Campus of UEW.


  • Improved the use of instructional technology among lecturers and students. Continuation of the reviewed Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design programme which includes technological and entrepreneurial based courses that allow students to choose from specialised options – Advertising, Graphic Design, and Multimedia.


  • Engaged students in the real world of graphic design projects and experiences.
Pictures of Graphic Design Students been awarded at the just ended awards programme
Pictures of Graphic Design Students been awarded at the just ended awards programme
Pictures of Graphic Design Students been awarded at the just ended awards programme
Pictures of Graphic Design Students been awarded at the just ended awards programme

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