UEW and Sabre Education Equip Effutu and Gomoa Kindergarten Teachers for Curriculum Delivery

The University of Education, Winneba (UEW) and Sabre Education, Ghana have organised a capacity building training for kindergarten teachers in the Effutu Municipality and the Gomoa Central District to take stock of kindergarten education in Ghana.
The event also witnessed the official launch of the UEW and Sabre partnership. It offered an opportunity for participants to brainstorm methods to improve kindergarten curriculum delivery. Kindergarten curriculum delivery and teacher competency delivery were highlighted at the capacity-building session.

The Vice-Dean, Faculty of Educational Studies (FES), UEW, Dr. Yayra Dzakadzie, in his welcome address, observed that for the new educational reform to be sustained and advanced to churn out quality kindergarten education in the country, the capacity of teachers at the kindergarten level ought to be strengthened.
He commended Sabre Education, Ghana for their interest and relentless efforts to ensuring that early Grade Education is delivered qualitatively. "I can guarantee Sabre Education that, as a result of this relationship and with a particular focus on the Effutu and Gomoa enclaves, a huge improvement in Early Grade Education will be documented in the next years across the country."

Dr. Dzakadzie professed that UEW, working through the Department of Early Childhood Education, would continue to support the efforts of Sabre Education in every way possible to galvanise the government’s effort at sustaining and improving upon the delivery of quality early childhood education in Ghana and beyond.
The Dean of FES, Prof. Sakina Acquah, in her remarks as the chairperson for the occasion, described the event as groundbreaking for the two municipalities, espousing the importance of Early Childhood Education.

"I think we've done a lot for Early Childhood Education but looking back, it's important to retrace our steps to make the foundation much stronger than it has been so that the children of the future will have a better form of education, which will translate into better educational achievements and a better Ghana," she said.
The Dean intimated that Early Childhood Education cultivates three principal faculties in children: thinking, feeling and willing, as such, it is often described as education for the “head, heart and hands”.
Prof. Sakina Acquah also said that the programme is designed to produce balanced, humane individuals, with a curriculum that is both integrated and developmentally appropriate and so, by integrating academic learning, physical activity, appreciation for the arts and moral responsibility, it cultivates the body, mind and spirit of the child simultaneously.
“It is also highly cognizant of the various stages of children’s development, meeting and challenging students in ways most appropriate to the child’s particular age and experience,” she concluded.