Prof. Essel, Osuanyi Quaicoo
Osuanyi Quaicoo Essel (PhD), an Associate Professor, teaches at the Textiles and Fashion Education Department in the University of Education, Winneba. He is an African fashion and textiles historian and a practising textile designer. His research interest is in textiles and fashion history, hair and Afrocentric beauty culture practices, and art education. Besides, his studies take a decolonial path and focus on Africa’s contribution to global fashion and textiles in terms of African millinery and accessories production and beauty culture standards. Osuanyi is also specialized in digital and handmade embroidery, fabric decoration techniques; and the use of Art in the therapeutic processes. He is currently working with a foreign partner and organization on a handloom weaving project aimed at livelihood empowerment of the youth and women in weaving in Ghana.
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