0205202837| 0242980545 | |
soacheampong@uew.edu.gh | |
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Acheampong, S. O. and Aremu, D. (January 17th - 19th, 2024). On the sluicing-COMP Generalisation in Mabia and Kwa [Paper presentation]. 32nd Conference of the Student Organisation of Linguistics in Europe (ConSOLE31), Queen Mary University of London
Acheampong, S. O. (2024). The Syntax of Likpakpaanl Elliptical Constructions. Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21248/gups.87836.
Acheampong, S. O. (2024). Resumption and Long-Distance Wh-movement in Likpakpaanl. In Himmelreich, Anke Hole, Daniel Mursell, Johannes To the left, to the right, and much in between: A Festschrift for Katharina Hartmann. Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt. https://www.linguistik-in-frankfurt.de/festschr...
Acheampong, S. O. (22nd-24th February 2023). The Derivation and Analysis of Fragment Answers in Likpakpaanl [Paper presentation]. 31st Conference of the Student Organisation of Linguistics in Europe (ConSOLE31), Bielefeld
Acheampong, S. O. (29-30th, June 2023). On the Syntax of Tense and Aspect in Likpakpaanl [Paper presentation]. The Syntax at the vP edge in African languages (SASAL III), Frankfurt, Frankfurt
Acheampong, S. O. and Aremu, D. (September 19th -23rd , 2023). Mono and Bi-clausal Topics in Likpakpaanl [Paper presentation]. Topic, Focus, and Subject: Between grammatical necessity and structural-functional Load, Osnabruck, Osnabruck
Abubakari, H., Issah, A. S, Acheampong, S.O., Luri, D. M., Napari, N. J. (2023). Mabia languages and cultures expressed through personal names. International Journal of Language and Culture, 10(1), 87-114. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/ijolc.22037.abu
Acheampong, S. O. (July 28th-30th, 2022). The Derivation of Verb Phrase Ellipsis in Likpakpaanl [Paper presentation]. Cross-disciplinary Workshop on Information Structure in African Languages, Songhai Centre, Porto-Novo
Acheampong, S. O. (2021). Translated Inspirational Poems into Likpakpaanl. In A Selection of Seven Wosornu poems translated into fifteen Local Ghanaian Languages. Accra: Bureau of Ghana Languages, Accra.
Issah,. A. S., Acheampong, S. O. (2021). Interrogative Pronouns in Dagbani and Likpakpaanl. Ghana Journal of Linguistics, 10(2), 30-57. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/gjl/article/vie...
Acheampong, S. O., Atintono, S. A., Issah, S. A. (2019). The Morpho-Syntactic Characterization of Likpakpaanl Reflexive Pronouns. Journal of West African Languages, 48(1), 122-141. https://journalofwestafricanlanguages.org/downl...