Mr Aggrey, Kwesi |
Currently head the Department of Development Communication. Had my undergraduate studies at the University of Cape Coast, and the postgraduate studies at University of Ghana. Have since joining the University of Education, Winneba in 2001, worked in both administrative and academic capacities. Earlier as an administrator, had served as vice-chancellor's secretary (2001 - 2008) before switching to the classroom as an academic in 2008. I have since joining the School of Communication and Media Studies - then Department of Communication and Media Studies - taught both undergraduate and postgraduate courses including Media and Society, Business and Organisational Communication, and Development Discourses, among others and also supervised both MA and MPhil research works. My research interests include Political Economy of Development and Cultural Discourses, the Informal Sector and Communicating for Development, Young People's Media Usage and Subcultural lives, among others.
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