A better world through the integration of sustainability and humanitarianism in chemistry education

A better world through the integration of sustainability and humanitarianism in chemistry education
This chapter has eulogised on sustainability, sustainability development, education for sustainable development, humanitarianism and humanitarian engineering, to a small extent. The need to create sustainable communities of sustainable-literate and humanitarian-literate citizens through chemistry education has been emphasised. The case of graduate students in teacher education who undertook contextualised mini-projects was presented. Statements made by graduates in teacher training education on the integrated programme was positively overwhelming and goes to prove that that teaching about sustainability and humanitarian principles need not be taught as standalone courses but could be integrated into existing curricula with accompanying appropriate pedagogies to yield positive results. The summarised lesson which was enacted by students illustrated how it was possible to embed sustainability and humanitarian principles in a simple chemistry lesson to enable future teachers to imbibe the desired concepts to help create a positive change to save the world from humanitarian challenges through scaled down practical activities.