Ms. Agbevivi, Shine Lillian Gifty

+233 (0) 206 961 105 | | |
Badu, S., Agbevivi, S. L. G. & Subbey, M. (2022). Aspects of kindergartners’ reading and writing skills assessed by kindergarten teachers in the Atwima Kwanwoma District, Ghana. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 6(8), 441-446.
Agbevivi, S. L. G. (2022). The State of Reading in Tertiary Institutions: A Pragmatic Analysis of a Ghanaian University. International Journal of English Language Teaching, 10(5), 12-29.
Agbevivi, S. L. G. (2022). Early Graders’ Learning in Mother Tongue: Parents and Teachers’ Perspectives. European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, 10(8), 1-21.
Agbevivi, S. L. G. & Adogpa J. N. (2022). Pre-Reading Activities and Their Effects on English Reading Comprehension of ESL Basic School Pupils. British Journal of Education, 10(16), 51-66.