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Dr. Forson, Joseph Ato

Dr. Forson, Joseph Ato
Senior Lecturer/ Head of Department

Kuranchie-pong, R., & Forson, J.A. (2025). Network structure shifts in frontier markets during crises: insights from the Ghana Stock Exchange amid COVID-19. African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, 16, 1-15. DOI:

Bosomtwe, E., Asiamah, S.K., Gadzo, S., Forson, J.A., Adegbedzi, K.D., Obuadey, M.T.,. (2024, May 15-17). Financial inclusion and poverty Rate: Does financial innovation play a moderating role among West African Countries? [Paper presentation]. The 6th International Research Conference, College of Humanities, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Greater Accra

E.E Yamoah. E.E., Ofei-Gyekyi, F., & Forson, J.A. (2024). Enhancing Workplace Productivity: The Nexus of Organizational Culture and Policies in Public Institutions. Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(1), 84-97. DOI:

Zhang, A., Nankpan, M.N., Zhou, B., Forson, J.A., Nkrumah, E.N.K., & Adjavon, S. E. (2024). A COP28 Perspective: Does Chinese Investment and Fintech Help to Achieve the SDGs of African Economies?. Sustainability, 16, 1-16. DOI:

Forson, J.A., & Eshun, R. (2023, November, 13-17). Terms of Trade, institutional quality and exchange rate volatility in the Economic Community of West African States [Paper presentation]. The 2023 joint conference of the African Light Source and African Physical Society, Law and Political Economy for African Big Science, Johannesburg

Forson, J.A., Aduko, C., Kusi, B.A., & Kuranchie-pong, R. (2023, May 16-17). The effect of internal control systems on Ghanaian selected banks performance: The moderating role of internal audit effectiveness [Paper presentation]. African Growth Institute Hybrid African Finance Association Conference, Cape Town

Forson, J.A., Braimah, A.I., Asiamah, S.K., Kuranchie-pong, R., Daniels, E., & Adjavon, S.E. (2023). Banking Supervision and Nonperforming Loans in Africa: Does institutional quality matter in the banking space of Ghana?. Journal of African Business, 45(2), 108-130. DOI:

Duho, K.C.T., Duho, D.M. & Forson, J.A. (2023). Impact of income diversification strategy on credit risk and market risk among microfinance institutions. Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, 39(2), 523-546. DOI:

Baah, A.K., Forson, J.A., Adu-Darko, E., & Agbloyor, E. (2023). Global Financial Crisis, international capital requirement and Bank Financial Stability: International evidence. Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 31(2), 237-258. DOI:

Forson, J.A. (2023). Budget Credibility and Global Surprises in Ghana: A Critical Reflection through PEFA Framework. International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning, 12(1), 87-97. DOI:

Braimah, A.I., & Forson, J.A. (2023). Neoliberalism, Education Financing, and Development in Africa: The Politics, Synergism and Contradictions in the Ghanaian Perspective. Equity in education and society, 3(3), 1-16. DOI:

Kuranchie-pong, R., & Forson, J.A. (2022). Overconfidence Bias and stock market volatility in Ghana: Testing the rationality of investors in the Covid-19 era. Journal of Economics and Management Studies, 13(1), 147-161. DOI:

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