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Antecedents and outcomes of supply chain security practices: the role of organizational security culture and supply chain disruption occurrence

Dr. Acquah, Ishmael Nanaba
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Asamoah, D., Nuertey, D. and Agyei-Owusu, B. Acquah, I. N.
Publication Year
Article Title
Antecedents and outcomes of supply chain security practices: the role of organizational security culture and supply chain disruption occurrence
International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management
Vol. 39
Issue Number
No. 4
Page Numbers
pp. 1059-1082


The study examines organizational security culture as the driver of supply chain security (SCS) practices (information management security, facility management security and human resource security). Additionally, the study examines the minimization of occurrence of supply chain disruption as the outcome of SCS practices.


A research model grounded on the contingency theory and the dynamic capabilities theory was developed and tested using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). Data was obtained from 110 manufacturing and service firms in Ghana.


It was revealed that organizational security culture has a positive and a significant impact on information management security, facility management security and human resource security as hypothesized. In addition, facility management security significantly minimized supply chain disruption occurrence as hypothesized but information management security and human resource security did not.


To the best of the researchers' knowledge, this is the first study that examines organizational security culture as the driver of SCS practices. Additionally, the study is novel in examining the interplay between organizational security culture, SCS practices and supply chain disruption.

© 2019 University of Education, Winneba