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Type Duration Classifications Entry Modes
Postgraduate 1 year Regular/Full Time, Sandwich Direct


Communication Skills Track

Graduates of this track are expected to function as effective teachers of Communication Skills and related courses in tertiary institutions. They will also be enabled to conduct investigations into writing and reading in our educational system and help offer solutions to problems in those aspects of language use.  

Media Studies Track

The combination of both print and broadcast courses in this track is to enable students who opt for it to function in a more versatile and holistic way as media practitioners. They will also be able to conduct research into the media and media-related aspects of society.

Business Communication Track

Students graduating from this track will function both within and without in academic and non-academic settings as advertising and public relations experts. It is expected that their combined knowledge in public relations and advertising will be particularly useful in their image-making role. 

Prospects/Career Options

The introduction of communication skills and language study courses in our universities and other tertiary institutions have underscored the need for people to be specifically trained to teach these courses. Our programme offers courses in Business Management such as Business Communication, Advertising, Public Relations and Public Speaking, all of which have the use of language as their central resource and yet, are all crucial in the education sector.

The employment prospects of our students exist in all polytechnics and universities in the country, since communication skills, as a course, is taught in all these institutions. Also, graduates of this programme will be needed to handle the Public Speaking, Business Communication, and Public Relations courses which are regular features of the Business Administration and Management Studies programmes in our polytechnics and universities.

Finally, it is expected that an internship/practicum dimension of the programme would provide our graduates with the practical orientation and the requisite skills for finding placement in the corporate world as employees or entrepreneurs in the field of communication.

What this programme gives you

The programme in Communication and Media Studies is intended for students who want to pursue a communication career in academia or professionally. The MPHIL/M.A. programme in Communication and Media Studies will prepare students for employment in the public or private sector, or to pursue further studies in a Ph.D. program.

Recent graduates have taken positions at the Ghana Broadcasting Cooperation, Nyce Media and many other organizations. Those looking to pursue a Ph.D. have gone on to study at the Ohio University and many other universities.

Entry Requirement

The basic requirements needed to qualify for entry into the University should be met in addition to the any other programme-specific requirement to be determined by the Department.

  1. Senior High School Certificates Holders
  • Must have at least, six (6) WASSCE Credits including three (3) Core Subjects: English Language, Mathematics and Integrated Science, as well as three (3) Electives in relevant subjects with the total aggregate of 36 or better
  1. Mature Applicants
  • Must be at least 25 years by August 1 of the academic year one wants to enroll.
  • Should have a Senior High School Certificate or its equivalent.
  • DBS and Certificate Holders should apply as mature applicant.
  • Must pass the UEW Entrance Examination.

How to Apply

Applicants for graduate admission must apply online via the link provided on the University of Education website. After paying the application fee, check out the serial number and pin code provided on your receipts as this would be your login details to commence your online application.

Further inquiries concerning the admission process should be addressed to the Division Academic Affairs.

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