Mmensoun Ensemble Participation among Female Students of the Department of Music Education, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana

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Mmensoun Ensemble Participation among Female Students of the Department of Music Education, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana
The study was an investigation into female students’ involvement in mmensoun, ensemble in the Department of Music Education, University of Education, Winneba. It sought to find out the motivation as well as the importance of females’ participation in traditional ensembles and Through ethnographic research, rooted in the theory of self determination, 6 female students were purposefully sampled and interviewed on phone calls and WhatsApp platform using semi-structured interview. It was seen that participation of musical activities in the cultural setting of females is a great motivation to unearth the innate abilities of the females. It is concluded that females should be assisted and not stigmatized in all their endeavours to pursue what would give them inner satisfaction that would consequently improve their well-being.
Keywords: Mmensoun, UEW, self-determination, ethnography, organismic integration