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Dr. Addo, Augusta Arko-Mensah

Dr. Addo, Augusta Arko-Mensah
Snr. Lecturer
+233 (0)244525556

Arko Mensah A. & Agyeiwaah, V. (2024). Ashdance Pedagogy: A Culturally Contextualised Strategy for Musical Instruction. ISIR Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (ISIRJAHSS), 1(1), 21 - 29.

Arko Mensah A. & Agyeiwaah, v. (2024). Ancestral Roots for Cultural Education: Unpopular Musical Types in the Ashanti Community of Ghana for Musical Instruction. International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science (IJLRHSS), 7(3), 23-32.

Arko Mensah A. (2024). ADJUDICATION OF MUSIC PERFORMANCES IN THREE SELECTED MUNICIPALITY/ DISTRICT IN GHANA. International Journal of Education Humanities and Social Science, 7, 10 - 24. DOI:

Arko Mensah A. & Agyeiwaah, V. (2023). A Phenomenographic Study of UEW Music Students' Conceptions of Musicianship Course: A Case of Sophomore Class. JOURNAL OF AFRICAN ARTS & CULTURE, 6(1), 23 - 44.

Arko Mensah A. & Arko Mensah S. (2022). Songs as Agent of Satire in Ɔmpɛ Traditional Ensemble of Effutu. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 11(3), 169 - 173.

Arko Mensah A., Agbenyo, S. & Adomina, M.A. (2022). KODÁLY MUSIC INSTRUCTIONAL PRINCIPLES IN GHANAIAN BASIC SCHOOLS: A CONTEMPLATION ON ADAPTATION. Journal of Advanced Research and Multidisciplinary Studies, 2(1), 9 - 17. DOI:

Arko Mensah A. (2020). Teaching with Ghanaian Traditional Songs: A Compendium of Songs for Kindergarten Teachers with Scores and Sample Lesson Procedures. WGCBC a.k.a PSJ Publications North Campus UEW, Winneba, Winneba. ISBN: 978 - 9988 - 53 - 998 - 6

Arko Mensah A. & Agbenyo, S. (2020). Emerging Musical Trends in Aboakyer Festival of the Winneba-Efutu People in Ghana. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), iv(vi), 533 - 539.

Arko-Mensah, A. & Acquah, E.O. and Ohene-Okantah Jnr, M. (2020). Music Making and Ban on Drumming Among the Winneba People of Ghana. Journal of Culture, Society and Development, 60, 29 - 35.

Arko Mensah A., Annan, J.F and Korley, S.N. (2020). A Contemporary Perspective of the Role of Women in Popular Music in Ghana: A Case of Les Femmes All Women Band. American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Development (AJMRD), 2(7), 09 - 18.

Arko-Mensah, A. & Acquah, E.O. (2020). Mmensoun Ensemble Participation among Female Students of the Department of Music Education, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES, 8(7), 342 - 350. DOI:

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