Using Abacus and Bundles of Sticks to help Basic Two (2) Pupils to Add and Subtract Three-Digit Numbers: An Action Research at Ghana National College Basic School, Cape Coast, Central Region, Ghana.

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Using Abacus and Bundles of Sticks to help Basic Two (2) Pupils to Add and Subtract Three-Digit Numbers: An Action Research at Ghana National College Basic School, Cape Coast, Central Region, Ghana.
The purpose of this study was to use Abacus and Bundles of stick as
Instructional Materials or Teaching Learning Materials (TLMs) to improve the addition of
two- and three-digit numbers among Basic Two (2) Pupils of Ghana National College Basic
School, Cape Coast, Central Region, Ghana. Action research design was used for the study.
Evaluation Test (Pre-Test and Post-Test) were used to gather data on the pupils. The
population was thirty-four (34) and the sample used for the study was fourteen (14) pupils.
Pre-Test was used to assess the pupil’s performance to identify their strength and weakness
for the necessary interventions to be used to solve that problem. Post-Test was used to gather
results and compare the effectiveness of the use of Abacus and Bundles of stick in solving
addition of two- and three-digits numbers in mathematics. Simple percentage count was
employed by the researcher to display the results and findings. It was found out from the
study that, appropriate materials like Bundles of sticks and Abacus should be encouraged
and be used in primary schools more especially at the Lower Primary levels (Early Grade
levels) to teach for the pupils to overcome their difficulties in solving addition problems
involving two- and three-digits numbers.